Here’s looking @ you kid….

Last Thursday night, we went to a girls high school basketball game.

My wife played basketball when she was in high school, so this is one of those random activities we both enjoy.

My wife playing basketball in high school. To this day, she can whip my butt @ a game of CAT


I was sitting in the top row of bleachers when Ms Johnson, the now retired, but former principle when our kids were in school came into the gym.

Keep in mind, the gym is pretty much packed. I’m guessing she knows 75% of the people in that side of the bleacher. Anyway, she looks up in my direction and waves. I was pretty sure she was not waving at me, but not 100% so I waved back. Ten seconds later she has walked up to where I am sitting….”It is good to see you.” she says. ” How are your kids?”

We talked for a couple of minutes,and that was it.

The conversation touched me. Out of all of those hundreds of people, she’d made a special point to acknowledge us.

The next day, I did a little more digging, come to find out, really, the only child she’d had much interaction with was our youngest. He and I work together, so he was telling me stories from his time under Ms Johnon. Some of them I’d never heard before. Let’s just say, he was in her office more than once, and it wasn’t to be rewarded. There was one incident where she’d had him in the office after something particularly naughty, made him call me on the phone while sitting in her office. (on the speaker phone).

After he confessed to me, the transgression, I agreed to deal with him (and whatever it was) when he got home.

I’m old school. If you got into trouble at school, you were really in trouble when you got home.

When she and I were talking on the bleachers that night she looked me in the eye, and said, she really misses the kids, but the rest of the stuff, not so much.


I know this is really random, but that was the 2nd time recently where someone randomly acknowledged me out of the blue. I guess I’m not quite the invisible person I think I am.

True riches

A couple of you may recognize a version of this post from my other blog.


We were finally able to get almost everybody together over Father’s Day weekend.

That’s a hard one to pull off, now that our kids have families of their own, and don’t live locally. I think the last time we were all together was Spring of 2019.

After Father’s Day weekend, daughter Rebekah shared the following on Facebook:

Then she added, I feel like this happens every time we get together 😉 LOL”

As a parent, I keep coming back to her words.

They give me joy.

I need to tell you a dirty little secret. I felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants during all most of those parenting years. Putting out fires, reaching out to older parents, Scrambling to find books that might hold the keys to the latest crisis we were dealing with. From the time we brought the first newborn home, until the last one left.

That season if my life is a blur.

Nonstop stress. (almost)

There is a 25 year block of my life, that is still very fuzzy.

I have very little memory of what movies were in the theater, or what TV shows were popular.

Anybody relate ?

If you’re there now, if something has you stumped as a parent, don’t give up. Reach out for help. Sometimes all it takes is someone to listen to you vent. I’ve been there dozens of times.


Our kids are now in their 30’s and 40’s, and they all get along. (Imagine that)

They all have a great sense of humor. They’re hard working, have great people skills, and are still in relationship with each other.

What more could a parent desire to see in their adult child after they leaves the nest?

Our adult children Father’s Day Weekend 2022

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers (and sisters) dwell together in unity…”