
I need to tell you about something that happened last week when I was at the local lumberyard….

As I was standing at the counter, another customer (Mike) was heading out the door, he turns and says to me, “Doug, have you ever seen Gina smile?”

(Gina also works behind the counter at the lumberyard, she was doing something on the computer as this guy walked past her).

A couple of things went through my mind.

It’s hard enough dealing with the public all day, why does Mike feel he can make crap out of Gina just for sport?

I could tell Gina was trying to ignore Mike, so I did what comes naturally for me, I spoke up in her defense. “Well, she smiles at me.”

There was dead silence at the counter.

One thousand one

One thousand two

One thousand three…

A not so nice comeback popped into my mind after Mike had left the room.

I knew I should keep my mouth shut, but then it just tumbled out…..

Maybe because you’re an A#$h@#%.”

I glanced over @ Gina. She had a smirk

“You took the words right out of my mouth” she said.

I told Gina and the other girl at the counter the back story….Mike had pulled that same stunt on me 50 years ago. I’d forgotten all about it, until just then. This was before I knew him very well. Fifty years ago, Mike’s shop was across the street from my dad’s shop. I still remember the feelings of Mike making crap out of me for no reason in front of several other men. I didn’t know what to do with it at the time. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Don’t trust him. He could be smooth and friendly one minute, and a snake the next.

Remember that scene from A Christmas story where Ralphie looses it on the bully?

Apparently there is still a little pocket of unprocessed rage deep down in my soul.